Text Box Built Ins Word For Mac


This is a strongly-typed object model that you can use to create Word add-ins that target Word 2016 for Mac and Windows. This object model uses promises, and provides access to Word-specific objects like body, content controls, inline pictures, and paragraphs.

You can easily add all sorts of objects to a Word document in Office 2011 for Mac. Word 2011 gives you shortcuts to position an object in your document. Here’s how to get at them:

  1. Select an object.

  2. On the Ribbon’s Format tab, go to the Arrange group and click the Position button.

  3. Choose a position from the gallery.

When you put an object into a Word document and then add text or other content earlier in the document, your object moves down along with the text in the document. A word-processing document flows that way so that your objects stay in the same relative position to the text as you add or delete text and objects. You can change this behavior, though.

Built Ins Diy

You can make an object stay in an exact position in the document so that text flows around the object, and it doesn’t move with the text — this is known as anchoring. Think of this as dropping a boat anchor — water flows by, but the boat stays in the same position relative to the shore. In Word, if you anchor an object to a margin, the object stays in the same relative position. Nonanchored objects and text flow around the object. This anchoring capability is a basis of publishing programs, so it’s natural to use it in Word’s Publishing Layout and Print Layout views. Follow these steps to anchor an object in Word:

  1. Select an object.

  2. On the Ribbon’s Format tab, go to the Arrange group and choose Position→More Layout Options.

  3. Click the Position tab.

  4. (Optional) Set the position of an object precisely using controls in this dialog.

  5. Under Options, select the Lock Anchor check box.

  6. Click OK to close the Advanced Layout dialog and then click OK to close the Advanced Layout dialog.

Text now flows according to the settings you made, and the object is anchored to the position you selected. Although you can still drag the object to new positions on the page, it won’t move when you add or delete text.

Built Ins Ideas

A Text Box is similar to a graphic element with Text Wrap enabled in that itsits in its own layer in the Word document and text wraps around it.Text boxes are often used to call up bits of text in the document. You'll seethem used in magazines and newspapers as well as in corporate communications.What I have here is a document laid out with a two-column section in the middle.I explained how to set up multiple column text in the Page andSection Formatting chapter.What I want to do here is put a text box in the middle of the page and repeatssome of the document text in it for emphasis.

Although you can do this with single column text, I think it works best when youset the text box between two columns.Now in the Home Ribbon, you want to click the text box button, which is this one here.The mouse pointer turns into a text box pointer.What we want to do is drag a box about 2 inches wide in the middle of the document.As you drag, you'll see some measurements up here. When you have got about 2inches of width release the mouse button.Now if you don't get the text box exactly in the middle, don't worry about it.

I will show you how to move it later on.An insertion point should appear inside the text box. If it doesn't you canclick inside the text box to place it there. You can then type in any text you like/But instead of typing, we want to copy and paste some text into the box.In the document, we are going to select from where it says 5% of our sales.That's right over here, to the end of the paragraph. So just select all thatuntil the end of the paragraphs.Now, we want to copy that text, so we will press Command+C, that will put inthe clipboard, then we click inside the text box, make sure the insertion pointis blinking in there.

There it is and then I'll press Command+V to paste it in there and there's the text.Now let's format that text. We want a bigger font in italics with bigger linespacing. We also want it centered in the box, and we can make all thosechanges on the Home Ribbon.So let's start off by selecting that text and making the changes here. We'll makeit a 16-point font, we will also make italic and we will also change the linespacing to 1.5 and finally we will make it Centered.

Built Ins Plans


Now we can resize the text box by dragging one of its selection handles.As you can see the box isn't quite big enough the way I drew it, so I can justdrag this down and that will I'll resize the box.You want the text box to be relatively snug around the text. You can move thebox into position on the page by dragging one of its borders. Make sure youdon't drag a handle. If you do you'll resize the box. So I am going to dragthis little bit to the left and maybe a little bit down and that'll put it in the middle.

Now we can use the Format Ribbon to format the Text Box. So I'll click theFormat button here and I've got some options I can use to format that text box.There are number of shape styles I can use. Just click this little button hereand you get a menu of different styles.So you could choose something plain with a colored border or you canchoose something shaded.Maybe I will go with something like this one here.It's got like a gradient in it.If I don't like the way that looks, I could choose something else. Maybe I'llgo little bit plainer.If you prefer to format it manually, you can use the Fill menu and the Line menuto set fill colors and also line colors.

How To Built Ins

You can also use the Effects menu to add features like a Shadow or Reflectionor Glow, anything you like. I might put a drop shadow around this, so I canchoose this one here.It adds little bit of a shadow to it.As you can see, it's pretty easy to get a professionally looking text box thatyou can use to emphasize important points in your documents. If you think of atext box as it's own little word processing document, all you need to do is toinsert it into text and format it so it meets your needs.