Word For Mac Mark Text As Heading

An index is a document reference or list Word 2016 can build and format, providing that you know the trick: You must mark text in a document for inclusion in the index. Once the words are marked, an index field is inserted, which displays the index.

Select index entries in Word 2016

Word For Mac Mark Text As Heading Of A Letter

To flag a bit of text for inclusion in an index, follow these steps:

Word For Mac Mark Text As Heading In Excel

Tip: You can change the font and formatting of a heading style.Just select the heading text you want to customize, modify its styles the way you want, and then on the Home tab, in the Styles group, right-click the heading style that you customized and click Update Heading to Match Selection. Microsoft Word’s automatic table of contents generator relies on styles, which are special formats you apply to your document so that Word knows which parts of your text are headings.

  1. Select the text you want to reference.

    The text can be a word or a phrase or any old bit of text.

  2. On the References tab in the Index group, click the Mark Entry button.

    The selected text appears in the Mark Entry dialog box.

  3. If the entry needs a subentry, type that text in the Mark Index Entry dialog box.

    The subentry further clarifies the main entry. For example, the word you select (the main entry) might be boredom and you type In a waiting room as the subentry.

  4. Click one of the buttons, either Mark or Mark All.

    Click the Mark button to mark only the selected text. Click the Mark All button to direct Word to include all matching instances of the text in your document.

    When you mark an index entry, Word activates the Show/Hide command, where characters such as spaces, paragraph marks, and tabs appear in your document. Don’t let it freak you out.

    Because Show/Hide is on, the Index code appears in the document.

  5. Continue scrolling your document and looking for items to place in the index.

    The Mark Index Entry dialog box remains open as you continue to build the index.

  6. Click the Close button when you’re done, or just tired, to banish the Mark Index Entry dialog box.

  7. Press Ctrl+Shift+8 to cancel the Show/Hide command.

    Use the 8 key on the keyboard, not on the numeric keypad.

Place the index in the Word 2016 document

After marking bits and pieces of text for inclusion in the index, the next step is to build and place the index. Do this:

  1. Position the insertion pointer where you want the index to appear.

    If you want the index to start on a new page, create a new page in Word. Putting the index at the end of your document is what the reader expects.

  2. Click the References tab.

  3. In the Index group, click the Insert Index button.

    The Index dialog box appears. Here are some recommendations:

    • The Print Preview window is misleading. It shows how your index might look but doesn’t use your actual index contents.

    • Use the Formats drop-down list to select a style for your index. Just about any choice from this list is better than the From Template example.

    • The Columns setting tells Word how many columns wide to make the index. The standard is two columns. One column looks better on the page, especially for shorter documents.

    • You might prefer to use the Right Align Page Numbers option.

  4. Click the OK button to insert the index into your document.

    What you see is an index field, displayed using the information culled from the document.

Review your index. Do it now. If you dislike the layout, press Ctrl+Z to undo and start over. Otherwise, you’re done.

If you modify your document, update the index: Click the index field. Then choose the Update Index command button from the Index group. Word updates the index to reference any new page numbers and includes freshly marked index entries.

Mark text as main entry
  • Feel free to add a heading for the index because Word doesn’t do it for you.

  • Use a Heading style for the index header so that it’s included in your document’s table of contents.

  • Word uses continuous section breaks to place the index field in its own document section.

Stefan, I agree with you completely regarding the TOCs; my entire document got sucked into the TOC and so I need to make sure I'm separating the two. However, I'm having several issues now as outlined below. I did come up with a nuance that I found a way to fix as well.
1. Making the multilevel list style numbering work along with the style separator is a little frustrating. My formatting is as follows:
----- Formatting excerpt ------
1.0 Top Heading Style.
1.1 Second Heading Style Topic 1. [style separator] Paragraph style text
1.2 Second Heading Style Topic 2. [style separator] Paragraph style text.
----- Formatting excerpt ------
Since the style separator is applied at the end of whatever paragraph it's added to, I have to add another line (enter), make that line a level below the lines I'm creating with tab, return the cursor to the previous line, and then apply the style separator to bring the two parts back together. If you hit enter and keep it at the same paragraph level, you will end up with 1.1 followed by 1.3; somehow the style separator formatting skips the 1.2. After this I apply a separate paragraph style to the section following the style separator. Wish there was a way to automate this process.
2. Multilevel list linked styles breaking. I set up the multilevel list using Shauna Kelly's instructions with linked headings for each level. However, whenever I go back into the multilevel list dialog to fix something, each number level has nothing in the 'Link Level to Style' dropdown option, which makes me doubt how well the numbering is working.
3. If I have to make a change to a lower level multilevel list later in the document, the defaults (undesired) continue to operate despite the multilevel list dialog box making it appear that that they have been reset correctly.
4. I adjusted the first two headings of the document, and they've been kicked out of the TOC and will not return to it, regardless of whether or not I refresh that element. I modified the underlying characteristics of the heading styles for the first two headings, but that it. Thoughts?
5. Anyone have a good reference on switches I could go through? I have a few examples, but none that really explain much. I know (roughly) how to make a cross reference go to lowercase if necessary, but understanding more on what they can and can't do would be useful.
6. The document I received has some kind of content elements that can be used to enter an author's name, etc. However, they're hard to manipulate - I can't enter carriage returns inside them, and don't know how to reference them if I want to call them again. Got very little information via Google.
Thank you all for your help - it's much appreciated.