Text Editors For Cs Mac

Notepad in Windows, Text Edit in Mac Os serves the basic purpose of text editing. Third party editors are equipped with more features with better colours, formatting etc. There are many powerful text editors for programming purpose with powerful code compiling abilities. Sublime's editor may be more advanced than other Cocoa-based editors, but it has no regard for the default behavior of some Mac text shortcuts, opting for a more consistent experience accross platforms.

  1. Best Text Editor On Mac
  2. Text Editors For Cs Mac Video
Active7 years, 4 months ago

I am searching an HTML5 & CSS3 text editor for Mac OS X. What would you suggest?

Best Text Editor On Mac

Please give a short description as well as some information about pricing (free? commercial? trial?).

By the way, I am aware that there is the ability to take WineBottler/Wine to make certain Windows applications work in OS X. If you definitely know that a certain Windows HTML5 & CSS3 editor works in Mac OS X and it is worth it, please mention it.

Thank you!

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Text Editors For Cs Mac Video

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closed as not constructive by Quentin, Jeff AtwoodMar 26 '11 at 9:29

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4 Answers

Coda, BBEdit, and TextMate are--in my opinion--the most popular text editors for web development. TextMate has a 30-day free trial and is $57 USD. Coda is $99 USD and does not have a free trial (to my knowledge). And BBEdit is $99 USD and has a free trial (don't know how long it is).

For a free text editor, you can use TextWrangler from the same people who made BBEdit.

My personal preference is Vim / MacVim; but learning the Vim language is probably overkill if you're just doing just HTML / CSS. I would recommend trying out all of these and seeing what you like the most.

EDIT: A final note, everything I listed here is highly extensible and if there is a feature you like in one, it has most likely been ported to one or more of the other editors as well. Keep this in mind, because you shouldn't immediately dismiss any particular editor for what it offers as a default install.

If you're really particular about your editor (which you should be, as it's the single most important tool in your arsenal) then you should also look at available plugins for each code editor to get a true picture of what they can and cannot do.

7,8434 gold badges36 silver badges58 bronze badges

I realise it might be overkill, but I really like using NetBeans for Javascript / HTML5 stuff. The JS completion is really helpful and it handles things like Canvas 2D API methods.

One drawback is that it doesn't seem to support CSS3.

11.9k4 gold badges33 silver badges34 bronze badges

I also recommend Textmate, if you willing to spend money. Its very comfortable to code html/css/js.

Personally I code in jEdit or Eclipse. They're crossplatform compatible and opensource.

Text editors for cs mackay-bennett

edit: both provide tons of plugins :)

3,9713 gold badges34 silver badges36 bronze badges

I like Aptana Studio. If you take the time to configure it's preferences it's a powerful editor.


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