Text Chapter 17 –collaboration –my Office 2016 For Mac

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  1. Text Chapter 17 –collaboration –my Office 2016 For Mac Download
  2. Text Chapter 17 –collaboration –my Office 2016 For Mac Free Download
  3. Text Chapter 17 –collaboration –my Office 2016 For Mac

Text Chapter 17 –collaboration –my Office 2016 For Mac Download

I am trying to combine eight files, each of which has its own TOC and footer. My objective is to create a single doc with one TOC at the front, and (eventually) to number the chapters n-n. The files contain mix of text, graphics, and lists (tables and columns).

I created a new doc with a title page. Then I used Insert Object > Text from File to bring the files into that new doc. (I tried it two ways: selecting multiple files from the list, and selecting and inserting one file at a time.) They came in, and I generated a TOC at the front. (After some trial and error, I discovered that I needed to delete the chapter TOCs before generating the new cumulative TOC.)

Text Chapter 17 –collaboration –my Office 2016 For Mac

The new TOC got generated where I wanted it to go. Fine and dandy. The problem came with the page numbering in the TOC.

Word seems to have inserted some new Section Breaks (Next Page) in various pages, usually after a list or before a graphic. These breaks seem to throw off the page numbering. (These breaks are not in the original files; I've checked.) So, the new TOC might go from page 56 to page 0 and on from there. If I delete the Section Break at one location, it seems to jump backward in the combined doc, and the page numbering discrepancy goes with the break. So then I get page 17 followed by page 0 in the TOC. The footer page numbers match those in the TOC. The breaks are mostly within the chapter text, not between chapters (that is, not at the end of one file and the beginning of the next one).

My questions are:

  • Where do these unintended next-page section breaks come from?
  • Can I prevent them from being created?
  • How do I delete them and continue the sequential page numbering?
  • Will I be able to apply the chapter page numbering (n-n) if I ever get to that point?

Text Chapter 17 –collaboration –my Office 2016 For Mac Free Download

Has anyone run into this kind of problem? If so, how did you solve it? I'm at my wits' end!


Text Chapter 17 –collaboration –my Office 2016 For Mac
