Shortcut For Text Box Powerpoint Mac

Shortcuts for Inserting objects in PowerPoint for Mac. Ask Question. Create keyboard shortcuts for apps and tried creating a application shortcut for the 'Text Box' menu command? – user3439894 Jul 22 '16 at 20:23. If you don't find the shortcut you're looking for, you can always create your own. Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2016 for Mac Intro to PowerPoint Learning Technologies, Training & Audiovisual Outreach University Information Technology Services.

104 Shortcuts for Microsoft Power Point 2016 (MacOS/ English)

1. Editing text and objects
DeleteDelete one character to the left
Function+DeleteDelete one character to the right
+XCut selected text or object
+CCopy selected text or object
+VPaste cut or copied text or object
+Ctrl+VPaste special
+Shift+>Increase the font size
+Shift+<Decrease the font size
+BApply bold formatting
+UApply an underline
+IApply italic formatting
+ECenter a paragraph
+JJustify a paragraph
+LLeft align a paragraph
+RRight align a paragraph
+YRedo the last action
+ZUndo the last action
+TOpen the Format Text dialog box, Font options
+Option+MOpen the Format Text dialog box, Paragraph options
Option+Arrow LeftTo Move To the beginning of a word or one word to the left
Option+Arrow RightTo Move One word to the right
+Arrow RightTo Move To the end of a line
+Arrow LeftTo Move To the beginning of a line
Option+Arrow UpTo Move To the beginning of a paragraph or up one paragraph
Option+Arrow DownTo Move Down one paragraph
+Arrow Up/Arrow DownTo Move To the start or end of all the text in the object you are editing

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Shortcut For Text Box Powerpoint Mac Version

2. Working with objects
TabSelect the next object
Shift+TabSelect the previous object
+ASelect all objects and all text
Arrow Keys or +Arrow KeyMove the selected object in the direction of the arrow
+Option+GGroup the selected objects
+Option+Shift+GUngroup the selected objects
+Option+JRegroup the selected objects
Option+Arrow RightRotate the selected object clockwise
Option+Arrow LeftRotate the selected object counterclockwise
+Shift+1Format the selected object
+DDuplicate selected objects
Shift+Arrow KeysResize selected objects

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3. Presentations
+NCreate a new presentation
+Shift+PCreate a new presentation with a template from the PowerPoint Presentation gallery
Ctrl+M or +Shift+NInsert a new slide
+- (Minus Sign)Zoom out
++Zoom in
+Shift+DMake a copy of the selected slide
+OOpen a presentation
+WClose a presentation
+PPrint a presentation
+SSave a presentation
+Shift+SSave a presentation with a different name, location, or file format.
+QQuit PowerPoint
+FFind text and formatting
+KAdd a hyperlink to selected text, an image, or an object
ESCCancel a command, such as Save As
+ZUndo an action
+YRedo or repeat an action
+~Move through multiple open presentations.
+Shift+OOpen a recent file

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4. Changing views
+1Switch to normal view
+2Switch to slide sorter view
+3Switch to notes page view
+4Switch to outline view
+Shift+ReturnSwitch to slide show
+Ctrl+FSwitch to full screen (hide menus)
Option+ReturnSwitch to presenter view
+Option+Ctrl+GShow or hide guides
+Option+2 or Shift+(click Slide Sorter View)Switch to handout master view
+Option+1 or Shift+(click Normal View)Switch to slide master view
+Option+3Switch to notes master view

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5. Selecting text
Shift+Arrow RightTo Select One character to the right
Shift+Arrow LeftTo Select One character to the left
Shift+Arrow UpTo Select From the insertion point to the same point one line up
Shift+Arrow DownTo Select From the insertion point to the same point one line down
+Shift+Arrow LeftTo Select All text to the start of the line
+Shift+Arrow RightTo Select All text to the end of the line
Shift+Option+Arrow DownTo Select From the insertion point to the end of the paragraph
Shift+Option+Arrow UpTo Select From the insertion point to the beginning of the paragraph

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6. Slide shows
You can use the following keyboard shortcuts while running your slide show in full-screen mode, with or without the presenter view. TIP: You can press the / key during a slide show to see a list of keyboard shortcuts.
N , Page Down , Arrow Right , Arrow Down , or the SPACEBAR (or click the mouse button)Perform the next animation or advance to the next slide
P , Page Up , Arrow Left , Arrow Up , or DeleteReturn to the previous animation or return to the previous slide
The number of the slide that you want to view, and then press ReturnGo to slide number
B or .Display a black screen, or return to the slide show from a black screen
W or ,Display a white screen, or return to the slide show from a white screen
+Shift+ ReturnPlay slide show from the first slide
+ReturnPlay slide show from the current slide
ESC or +. or +-End a slide show
EErase on-screen annotations
HGo to next hidden slide if the next slide is hidden
+PRedisplay hidden pointer and/or change the pointer to a pen
+ARedisplay hidden pointer and/or change the pointer to an arrow
Ctrl+HHide the pointer on mouse move
Hold down Ctrl and click the mouse buttonDisplay the contextual menu
+Option+Ctrl+RShow Thesaurus entry for a selected word
+Option+Ctrl+LShow Smart Lookup entry for a selected word or phrase
Option+ReturnSwitch to presenter view

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7. Working in tables
TabMove to the next cell
Shift+TabMove to the preceding cell
Arrow DownMove to the next line or row
Arrow UpMove to the preceding line or row
ReturnStart a new paragraph in a cell
Tab at the end of the last rowAdd a new row at the bottom of the table

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8. Windows and dialog boxes
+WClose the active window
ReturnPerform the action assigned to a default button in a dialog box
ESCCancel a command and close the dialog box
+HHide the current window
+MMinimize the current window

Text Box Example

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Powerpoint Shortcut Keys

Sources: Paul Trepanier