Regex For Text In Mac

Active1 month ago
  1. Python Regex For Mac Address
  2. Regex For Text In Macro
  3. How To Search For Text In Mac
  4. What Is Regex Used For

If you need to create regular expressions, there is no better regex editor for Mac than Expressions, with cheatsheets, syntax highlighting, and test mode at your fingertips. Find and replace text or numbers in Excel for Mac. You can search for text and, optionally, replace text. In your search terms, you can include special characters such as question marks, tildes, and asterisks, or numbers. You can search by rows and columns, search within comments or values, and search within worksheets or entire workbooks.

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21 Answers

The standard (IEEE 802) format for printing MAC-48 addresses in human-friendly form is six groups of two hexadecimal digits, separated by hyphens - or colons :.


35.6k68 gold badges250 silver badges402 bronze badges
55.5k14 gold badges106 silver badges134 bronze badges

A little hard on the eyes, but this:

will enforce either all colons or all dashes for your MAC notation.

(A simpler regex approach might permit A1:B2-C3:D4-E5:F6, for example, which the above rejects.)

43.6k6 gold badges74 silver badges117 bronze badges

delimiter: ':','-','.'

double or single: 00 = 0, 0f = f


Andro Selva
43.5k45 gold badges177 silver badges228 bronze badges

This regex matches pretty much every mac format including Cisco format such as 0102-0304-abcd

Example strings which it matches:

Regex for text in mac address

Mixed format will be matched also!

43.6k6 gold badges74 silver badges117 bronze badges
Vesselin YanevVesselin Yanev

Be warned that the Unicode property p{xdigit} includes the FULLWIDTH versions. You might prefer p{ASCII_Hex_Digit} instead.

The answer to the question asked might be best answered — provided you have a certain venerable CPAN module installed — by typing:

I show the particular pattern it outputs here as lucky pattern number 13; there are many others.

This program:

generates this output:

Which seems the sort of thing you're looking for.

70.6k25 gold badges111 silver badges163 bronze badges

Python Regex For Mac Address

This link might help you. You can use this : (([0-9A-Fa-f]{2}[-:]){5}[0-9A-Fa-f]{2})|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{4}.){2}[0-9A-Fa-f]{4})

Manohar BhattaraiManohar Bhattarai
26.6k20 gold badges108 silver badges178 bronze badges
15.1k5 gold badges34 silver badges50 bronze badges

The regex above validate all the mac addresses types below :

Mohammed Réda OUASSINIMohammed Réda OUASSINI
Juan Diego GodoyJuan Diego Godoy
10.9k1 gold badge27 silver badges43 bronze badges
Saurabh Chandra PatelSaurabh Chandra Patel
6,7481 gold badge57 silver badges62 bronze badges

You can use following procedure by passing mac address for validation,

Hari Babu MandalaHari Babu Mandala

PHP Folks:

Need Explanation:

7533 gold badges10 silver badges20 bronze badges

If you need spaces between numbers, like this variant

The regex changes to


to match both 48-bit EUI-48 and 64-bit EUI-64 MAC addresses:

where h is a character in [0-9a-fA-F]


this allows '-' or ':' or no separator to be used

29k4 gold badges67 silver badges98 bronze badges

Maybe the shortest possible:

Update: A better way exists to validate MAC addresses in PHP which supports for both hyphen-styled and colon-styled MAC addresses. Use filter_var():

As I know, it supports MAC addresses in these forms (x: a hexadecimal number):

1,0661 gold badge13 silver badges21 bronze badges

Thanks a lot to @Moshe for the great answer above. After doing some more research I would like to add my extra findings, both in regards to IEEE 802 and enforcing consistent separator usage in regex.

The standard (IEEE 802) format for printing MAC-48 addresses in human-friendly form is six groups of two hexadecimal digits, separated by hyphens -. It is however, widely adopted convention to also allow colon :, and three groups of four hexadecimal digits separated by periods ..

Full credit to @Moshe here for his initial statement, and to @pilcrow for pointing out that IEEE 802 only covers hypens.

Here is a regex that enforces that same separator is used throughout the mac address:

And here is an additional one that allows for use of no separator at all:

Robert AxelsenRobert Axelsen

As a MAC address can be 6 or 20 bytes (infiniband, ...) the correct answer is:

you can replace : with [:-.]? if you want different separators or none.

Olivier LAHAYEOlivier LAHAYE

I don't think that the main RegEx is correct as it also classifies

as a valid MAC Address, even though it is not correct.The correct one would be:

So that every time you can choose ':' or '-' for the whole MAC address.


This one is a small one:

Have in mind, that weird mix of several chars or separators could pass.


the best answer is for mac address validation regex

10.8k11 gold badges30 silver badges47 bronze badges

Regex For Text In Macro

Rittika NagarRittika Nagar

How To Search For Text In Mac

protected by QuentinJan 30 '14 at 12:53

What Is Regex Used For

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