Find Or Replace Text For Mac Excel

Active3 years, 10 months ago

I am trying to find and replace the * (star, or shift+8) character in a bunch of formulas in Excel 2007. * of course matches the ENTIRE contents of the cell, which is not what I want. How do I disable this behavior?

Excel has a powerful search feature. You can search for text and, optionally, replace text. In your search terms, you can include special characters such as question marks, tildes, and asterisks, or numbers. You can search by rows and columns, search within comments or values, and search within. How To Find And Replace In Excel: Wildcards, Values, And Formulas! Written by co-founder Kasper Langmann, Microsoft Office Specialist. Excel’s search functions are great... But if you aren’t using the result in another cell, you can use a more familiar tool. Excel has a powerful search feature. You can search for text and, optionally, replace text. In your search terms, you can include special characters such as question marks, tildes, and asterisks, or numbers. You can search by rows and columns, search within comments or values, and search within.


migrated from stackoverflow.comOct 11 '12 at 9:48

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Mac Excel Find And Select

2 Answers

Find and Replace (CTRL + H)

Search for ~*

Replace with whatever.


Excel Replace Text In Column



Find And Replace Text

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If you are doing this in code, you can look for CHAR(42), which is the numeric code for the * symbol.

Depending on how you do it, you should even be able to use the CHAR(42) in a worksheet formula.


Find And Replace Text Or Formatting In Excel For Mac

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