Color Options For Text Terminal Mac

Now set your aliases where 'alias' specifies that what follows will be an alias, 'la' is what you want to call it and ' 'ls -aF' ' (this MUST be in single quotes) is the actual command.Color Options For Text Terminal Mac

Color Options For Text Terminal Mac Commands

Git config --global color.branch auto git config --global color.diff auto git config --global color.status auto git config --global color.ui auto The global configuration is saved to ~/.gitconfig, which you can also edit directly with a text editor.

Change Mac Terminal Color

Information beyond those characters, such as 'list all and file types', must be commented out using the pound sign if they are to be included.

Color Options For Text Terminal Mac Hacking

  • alias ls 'ls' list all files
  • alias la 'ls -aF' list all and file types
  • alias ld 'ls -ld' list directories
  • alias ll 'ls -lF' list <dir> style
  • alias lx 'ls -lXB' sort by extension
  • alias lk 'ls -lSr' sort by size
  • alias lc 'ls -lcr' sort by change time
  • alias lu 'ls -lur' sort by access time
  • alias lr 'ls -lR' recursive ls
  • alias lt 'ls -ltr' sort by date
  • alias lm 'ls -al | more' pipe through 'more'
  • alias . 'pwd' shows current directory
  • alias .. 'cd ..' goes back one directory
  • alias ../ 'cd ../' goes back one directory
  • alias ... 'cd ../..' goes back two directories
  • alias .../ 'cd ../../' goes back two directories
  • alias - 'cd -' goes to previous directory
  • alias / 'cd /' goes to the root directory