Onenote For Mac Align Text To Grid

1. Format
Ctrl+Shift+>/<Increase/ decrease font size of selected text
Ctrl+Shift+HHighlight selected text
Ctrl+BFormat selected text Bold; press again to un-apply
Ctrl+IFormat Italic
Ctrl+UFormat Underline
Ctrl+-Format strikethrough
Ctrl+=Format subscript
Ctrl+Shift+=Format superscript
Ctrl+Shift+C/Ctrl+Shift+VCopy/ paste formatting of selected text
Ctrl+Shift+NApply the Normal style
Ctrl+.Apply bullets to selection; press again to un-apply
Ctrl+/Apply numbered list
Ctrl+Alt+1 ... 6Apply heading style 1 thru 6
Alt+Shift+Arrow Right/Arrow LeftIndent/ outdent paragraph
Ctrl+R/Ctrl+LAlign Right/ Left
Ctrl+Shift+TSelect Title of page
Alt+Shift+Arrow Up/Arrow DownMove current line or selected lines up/ down
Shift+EnterInsert a line break without starting a new paragraph
Ctrl+KInsert a hyperlink

Onenote For Mac Align Text To Gridview

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2. Basic Editing and Formatting
Ctrl+Z/YUndo/ redo last action
Ctrl+Arrow Left/Arrow RightMove one word left/ right
Ctrl+Arrow Down/Arrow UpMove to next/ previous paragraph
Home/EndMove to beginning/ end of the line
Ctrl+Home/EndMove to top/ bottom of current page
Page Up/Page DownMove one page up/ down in current page
Ctrl+DeleteDelete one word to the right of cursor
Ctrl+BackspaceDelete one word to the left of cursor
Ctrl+X/Ctrl+C/Ctrl+VCut/ copy/ paste selection
Shift+Home/EndSelect to the beginning/ end of line
Ctrl+A 1xSelect all of Line
Ctrl+A 2xSelect all of Comment Section
Ctrl+A 3xSelect all of current page
Ctrl+Shift+-Select current paragraph and its subordinate paragraphs
Shift+F10Bring up context menu for any note, tab, or any other object that currently has focus (Simulate right mouse-button)

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Take and format notes in OneNote 2016 for Mac Take and format notes in OneNote 2016 for Mac. You'll notice that it slightly snaps to horizontal and vertical lines of an invisible grid. This is intended to help you more easily align the note container with other elements that may already be on the page, such as pictures or tables. To align numbers to a decimal tab in multiple table cells, follow these steps: Select the range of table cells that you want to format. In the Home tab, click the Paragraph Dialog Box Launcher. In the Tab stop position box, set the value that you want for the tab. Click Decimal under Alignment, and then click Set. Click OK two times.

3. OneNote Window
Ctrl+Shift+RShow or hide Ruler lines on current page
Ctrl+Shift+[/]Increase/ decrease width of page tab (typically on the right)
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+[/]Increase/ decrease width of sections tab (typically on the left)
Alt+F1Show or hide section tab
Ctrl+Shift+Alt++/-Zoom in/ out
Ctrl+F1Show or hide Office ribbon
F11Turn full-screen view on or off
Ctrl+Alt+DDock/ undock OneNote program window to desktop
Ctrl+MReplicate OneNote window
Ctrl+Shift+MOpen a small OneNote window to create side note
Win+NCreate a new side note
Ctrl+Alt+NCreate a new page below current page tab at the same level
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+NCreate a new subpage below current page

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4. Manage Pages, Notebooks and Sections
Ctrl+TCreate new section
Ctrl+Alt+MMove or copy current page
Ctrl+Page Down/Page UpGo to next/ previous page in section
Ctrl+Tab/Ctrl+Shift+TabGo to next/ previous section
Alt+Home/EndGo to first/ last page in the section
Alt+Page Up/Page DownGo to first/ last page in the currently visible set of page tabs
Alt+Arrow Left/Arrow RightGo back to last/ next page opened
Ctrl+GMove focus to Notebook area (typically on the left); continue with Arrow Up/Arrow Down to select page. Press Escape to cancel
Ctrl+Alt+GMove focus to Pages area (typically on the Right); continue with Arrow Up/Arrow Down to select page. Press Escape to cancel
Ctrl+Shift+GMove focus to Section area (typically on the top); continue with Arrow Left/Arrow Right to select section. Press Escape to cancel
Ctrl+Shift+G, Shift+F10, MOpen move option for current section
Ctrl+OOpen notebook
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+OOpen a section
Ctrl+Shift+ASelect current page tab

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5. OneNote Tables
TabCreate able by adding a second column to already typed text.
Create another column in table with a single row.
EnterCreate another row when at the end cell of a table. Press Enter a second time to finish the table
Ctrl+EnterCreate row below current row in table
Alt+EnterCreate another paragraph in same cell in table
Ctrl+Alt+RCreate column to the right of current column in table
Ctrl+Alt+ECreate column to the left of current column in table
EnterCreate row above the current one in table (when the cursor is at the beginning of any row)
Press Delete twiceDelete current empty row in table (when the cursor is at the beginning of the row)
Onenote For Mac Align Text To Grid

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6. Add Items
Alt+Shift+DInsert current Date
Alt+Shift+TInsert current Time
Alt+Shift+FInsert current date and time
Alt+N, FInsert document or File on current page
Alt+N, OInsert document or file as a printout on current page
Alt+Shift+PShow or hide document printouts on current page (when running OneNote in High Contrast mode)
Alt+N, PInsert Picture from file
Alt+N, SInsert picture from Scanner or a camera.
Win+SInsert screen clipping. The OneNote icon must be active in the notification area on the Windows taskbar

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7. Outlines
Alt+Shift+1 ... 9Show Level 1 through 9
Alt+Shift+0Expand all levels
Tab/Shift+TabIncrease/ decrease indent by one level
Alt+Shift+[/]Expand collapsed outline
Alt+Shift+-Collapse expanded outline

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8. Tag Notes
Ctrl+1Apply, mark, or clear 'To-Do' tag
Ctrl+2Apply or clear 'Important' tag
Ctrl+3Apply or clear 'Question' tag
Ctrl+4Apply or clear 'Remember for later' tag
Ctrl+5Apply or clear 'Definition' tag
Ctrl+6 ... Ctrl+9Apply or clear a custom tag
Ctrl+0 (zero)Remove all note tags from selected notes

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9. Search Notes
Ctrl+EMove insertion point to search box to search all notebooks
Arrow DownWhile searching all notebooks, preview next result
EnterWhile searching all notebooks, go to selected result and dismiss search
Ctrl+E, Tab, SpaceChange the search scope
Alt+O after searchingOpen the Search Results pane
Ctrl+FSearch only current page. Switch between searching everywhere and searching only the current page at any point by pressing CTRL+E or CTRL+F
F3 (or Enter)While searching current page, move to next result
Shift+F3While searching current page, move to previous result
EscDismiss search and return to page

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10. Outlook 2016 Integration
Ctrl+Shift+ESend selected pages in an Email
Ctrl+Shift+1Create a Today Outlook task from selected note
Ctrl+Shift+2Create a Tomorrow Outlook task
Ctrl+Shift+3Create a This Week Outlook task
Ctrl+Shift+4Create a Next Week Outlook task
Ctrl+Shift+5Create a No Date Outlook task
Ctrl+Shift+KOpen the selected Outlook task
Ctrl+Shift+9Mark the selected Outlook task as complete
Ctrl+Shift+0Delete selected Outlook task
Shift+F9Sync changes in current shared notebook
F9Sync changes in all shared notebooks
Ctrl+QMark current page as unread

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11. The Rest
F7Check spelling
Shift+F7Open research pane and thesaurus for the currently selected word
Ctrl+Shift+WExecute action suggested on the Information Bar if it appears at the top of a page
Ctrl+Alt+LLock all password-protected sections
Ctrl+Shift+*Expand or collapse the subordinate tabs of a page group
Ctrl+PPrint the current page

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Last week, one of our community members on the OneNote fan page on Facebook asked a great question:

“How do you double space an article you pasted into OneNote? For the life of me, I can’t find an option for that and since it is a legal cite and court opinion, it would be easier to read if I can double space it.”

While many of us simply use the ENTER key between lines of text to create more space, imported text whose lines you don’t want to manually break apart is indeed better formatted with double or custom line spacing. This way, the text is always properly spaced the way you want it, even when you resize its note container.

The Paragraph Spacing Options command is one of the few features in OneNote that has only a single entry point, which can be accessed only on the ribbon. It’s therefore often overlooked.

Follow these steps:

  1. In OneNote 2010, select the text whose paragraph spacing you want to adjust. To select all text within a note container, press CTRL+A (repeatedly, if necessary) until all of the text you want is selected.
  2. On the Home tab, click the Paragraph Alignment button.
  3. On the menu that appears, click Paragraph Spacing Options.
  4. In the Paragraph Spacing dialog box that opens, enter the spacing values (in points) that you want.

Why is nothing happening when I enter a custom value?

OneNote isn’t a word processor, so the values in the Paragraph Spacing dialog box work a little differently than they do in Microsoft Word and other programs. For example, if you were to type a 2 into any of the three boxes (with the intention that the value of 2 doubles the current single-line spacing), nothing would happen to the spacing of your text. That’s because you need to enter the total number (in points) for both the current font size and its intended line spacing (in typography, this is called leading).

The default text formatting in OneNote 2010 is 11-point Calibri, which means entering a 2 won’t do anything to increase this base number. However, anything over 11 will begin to show an increase in the space between your lines of text.

How do I precisely double-space my text?

Onenote Align Text Boxes

If you haven’t changed the default font from Calibri and the default font size from 11, you can enter the number 27 into the Line spacing at least box to exactly double-space this font and size combination. If you’re using another font or font size, simply experiment a bit until you get the spacing just the way you want.

To discard a result you don’t want and to start over, use the Undo command on the Quick Access Toolbar (or just press CTRL+Z).

How do I use the Before and After values?

The values for the Before and After boxes in the Paragraph Spacing dialog box work the same as I mentioned earlier. However, their behavior may lead to more puzzling results, depending on the formatting of your text.

Unlike Word, which lets you show hidden paragraph marks in your selected text, OneNote has no such option. If certain lines of text in your selection are formatted with soft line breaks (SHIFT+ENTER), then OneNote treats the text as part of the same paragraph. In this case, spacing is affected only before or after the entire block (paragraph) of text — either before or after a hard paragraph return (ENTER).

If you’re commonly in the habit of pressing ENTER between short lines of text in your notes, OneNote will consider each line to be a separate paragraph and therefore apply the line spacing you entered in the Before and/or After boxes. This will then have similar results as entering the same value into the Line spacing at least box.

I mention this because you may not always be aware how imported text was originally formatted at the source. If the result from values you enter in the Paragraph Spacing dialog box doesn’t quite match your expectations, simply try other values until you reach the result you want.

If you don’t seem to be having any luck with your particular selection of text, try to change one value at a time. If necessary, undo it (even if nothing seemed to happen) and then try another value. Experimenting with all three values at once in the Paragraph Options dialog box may make things more confusing until you get the hang of each of the three spacing options.

Can I really not see where my paragraph breaks are?

Although there is no explicit Show/Hide Formatting command in OneNote like there is in Word, OneNote 2010 does drop a little hint about where it considers a new paragraph to begin. To see this, move the mouse pointer over the left margin of any of your text lines and look for a 4-headed arrow icon to appear next to certain lines of text.

This little icon lets you do all kinds of clever things (most of which are documented in my new book for OneNote beginners), but simply revealing the icons by moving the mouse over your text will show you where the underlying paragraph marks are. To create a new line break within text, press CTRL+ENTER. To create a new hard paragraph, press ENTER within your text.

I hope this tip is useful. Based on your recent feedback in our first-ever OneNote Blog Poll, I plan to shine a light on some of the other hidden features in OneNote in this sort of quick tip format.

Onenote Align With Rule Lines

As always, we value your feedback, so please leave a comment to let us know if these kinds of posts are helpful and what sorts of features you would like to see covered in a future tip!

Onenote Align Note Containers

— Michael C. Oldenburg